Police is an organization which makes a population into society. Unguided and undisciplined group of people are equally harmful to each other until they are controlled and commanded by Police. Society sleeps only when Cops are awaked.
Dealing with criminals and anti-social elements, sometimes an image of hard and rough behaved person emerges for a Cop. Normally one side of coin is assessed. Cops take responsibilities to make a society safer place to live in. In modern societies, Cops perform not only law enforcement duties, rather they play a crucial role in preventing crimes against humans, assets and nations. Due to advent of new age crimes, a Cop is no more a Lathi holding person, rather equipped with technologies and latest innovations.
Unfortunately society forgets to recognize them as part of their fraternity. Certain population does not even recognize the works our COPS do for the society remaining behind the curtains.
Foundation for Police Research feels immense pleasure in coming forward to honor our Cops by way of POLICE EXCELLENCE AWARDS. These awards have been instituted to accolade the best work done by any State Police, Central Police and Research and Training Institutes.
Besides, we are also recognizing INNOVATIVE PRODUCT AWARDS in each category which makes our police a SMART POLICE. These awards shall be conferred on entrepreneurs who bring latest equipments with innovative technologies for the use of our COPS.